Immediate results in IPv6


Immediate results in IPv6

As the number of end users of IPv6 in Latin America and the Caribbean continues to grow, so does the number of professionals trained by LACNIC to meet the growing demands of organizations seeking to deploy this Internet protocol.

During the first eight months of 2017, LACNIC’s Training Center offered on-site workshops in Venezuela, Brazil, Chile, Peru, Costa Rica and Colombia, as well as five webinars for the entire region. In addition, LACNIC’s online Campus offered six editions of its Basic IPv6, Advanced IPv6 and BGP courses.

Nine hundred and seventy-five IT experts from public and private organizations in Latin America and the Caribbean received training on IPv6 through face-to-face training activities and online workshops.

All in-person workshops include a section on the theory of IPv6 followed by hands-on practice presented by LACNIC instructors. “We are training professionals to contribute to IPv6 deployment throughout the region. Building capacity among the regional community by providing training is part of our mission,” stressed Laura Kaplan, Development and Cooperation Manager at LACNIC.

Immediate results. Many participants immediately apply the knowledge they acquire within their organizations. This is the case of Marcel Rodriguez of CIX Broadband Venezuela. Rodriguez attended the IPv6 course early this year in Caracas (Venezuela) and “thanks to the instructions I received, CIX was able to implement the protocol on its network, browsing mostly over native IPv6,” he said.

At this time, 55% of CIX subscribers receive IPv6 addresses and their office is browsing over native IPv6. In addition, their DNS and content servers are IPv6-ready.

LACNIC Campus. This year, the LACNIC Campus has planned six editions of the Basic IPv6 course, four editions of the Advanced IPv6 course, and two editions of BGP Basics and Introduction to RPKI.

So far, three Basic IPv6 courses have been offered with 1,184 registrations.

Likewise, 158 persons registered for the first edition of the Advanced IPv6 course. The second edition is being offered at the moment of writing.

Finally, 122 participants registered for the BGP Basics and Introduction to RPKI course and we expect a significant number of applicants for the second edition to be held before the end of the year.

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