Generating Collaboration Spaces and Technical Commitment for an Improved Global Internet

By Miguel Ignacio Estrada, Chief Strategic Relations Officer at LACNIC
As is the tradition, early this year representatives of various regional Latin American and Caribbean Technical Community organizations —LACNIC, ISOC, ICANN, LACTLD, LAC-IX, LACNOG, and RedCLARA— gathered at Casa de Internet for Latin America and the Caribbean to discuss strategic issues for Internet development in our region.
During these meetings, we typically share our priorities for the year, reflect on threats and opportunities for the Internet at a regional and a global level, and try to identify and generate common projects that will add value for the entire community.
Held on 22-23 January, this year’s meeting allowed us to assess our coordinated participation during 2023 and plan concrete actions for different Internet Governance spaces that will take place this year, including the IGF, LACIGF, CIGF, Youth LACIGF, as well as national and youth Internet governance initiatives in our region.
In this context, we also elected the new Technical Community representatives to the LACIGF Multi-Stakeholder Committee: Rocío de la Fuente (LACTLD), Lía Solis (LACNOG), and Rodrigo de la Parra (ICANN).
Also essential for these organizations are the current regulations in the region and determining how to continue engaging with public policymakers. As in previous years, we plan to organize meetings and activities at Casa de Internet for Latin America and the Caribbean with organizations such as eLAC, CITEL, and others.
The meeting allowed identifying opportunities for improvement, as well as including the development of relationships and training for judges, prosecutors, and law enforcement agencies once again into our 2024 planning for the region.
We at LACNIC believe that these collaborative efforts are essential to continue to strengthen regional skills and global Internet development.
The views expressed by the authors of this blog are their own and do not necessarily reflect the views of LACNIC.