FRIDA Calls for Proposals to Fund Internet Related Projects in the Region

FRIDA, LACNIC’s regional fund for strengthening the Internet in Latin America and the Caribbean, is opening this year’s call for proposals for funding innovative projects that promote Internet stability, security, and openness in the region.
The 2021 edition of the program will fund projects in three categories: Internet Stability and Security, Open and Free Internet, and Internet Access.
Proposals will be accepted through FRIDA’s online platform starting on 26 April. The program expects to present three awards (one per category) and 14 grants ranging from US$10,000 to US$40,000 for projects to be executed in a period of up to 12 months.
“Learning about the projects submitted each year is very inspiring. It reminds us that there is a very active community developing ideas that enrich the operation of the Internet and that bring technology closer to solving specific problems. Laura Kaplan, Head of Development and Cooperation at LACNIC, encourages everyone who has a project in this area to apply to the 2021 call for proposals to extend the scope of their work.
Three categories. The call for proposals will accept projects in three categories. In the Stability and Security category, FRIDA will support initiatives that favor Internet stability and security and strengthen trust among users. Projects in this category should focus on one of the following four basic topics: cybersecurity, resilience, interconnection, and innovation in network operation.
Initiatives submitted to the Free and Open Internet category must promote the protection of the free and open nature of the Internet and defend the digital rights of vulnerable populations in Latin America and the Caribbean. Projects dealing with online freedom of expression, privacy and data protection, and digital rights and diversity will be selected.
The Internet Access category will support innovative projects for increasing Internet access in the region. Funds will be provided to projects addressing four different topics: alternative access models, interconnection, technologies for connectivity, and energy to power connectivity.
Timeline and questions. The application process is divided into two stages. In the first stage, applicants must submit a summary of their initiative. Shortlisted projects will then be announced on 2 August. Those projects will move on to the next stage and applicants will be asked to present a detailed proposal. The winning projects will be selected by a team of experienced Latin American and Caribbean professionals: Carolina Aguerre, Amparo Arango, María Paz Canales, Antonio Moreiras, Arturo Servin, and Erika Vega. The final results will be announced on 20 September.
More information and the answers to the most frequently asked questions are available here.