First Edition of the Technical Forum Brings New Topics to LACNIC 29


First Edition of the Technical Forum Brings New Topics to LACNIC 29

The launching of the LACNIC Technical Forum (FTL) during the LACNIC 29 event will allow addressing new issues that are relevant to the technical community and Internet development in Latin America and the Caribbean.

The new format of the forum – a space created within LACNIC’s annual events for the international community to present their experiences – will allow addressing issues that were previously outside the scope of the agenda of the technical debates held at these meetings.

In addition to the usual activities, during the Panama meeting scheduled to run from 30 April to 4 May, the LTF will include presentations and talks on geolocation, the QUIC protocol (a protocol designed to replace TCP), the HTTP/2 protocol through which all web pages are served, the smart management of software-defined networks (RSN), and DNS procedures to identify servers potentially open to attack.

In addition to the usual activities, during the Panama meeting scheduled to run from 30 April to 4 May, the LACNIC Technical Forum will include presentations and talks on geolocation, the QUIC protocol (which offers similar functions to those of TCP but with better and more modern features), HTTP/2 (the new version of the HTTP protocol used, among other things, to transport web pages), smart management of software-defined networks (SDNs), and techniques to identify DNS servers potentially vulnerable to attacks.

Successful Experiences in IPv6 and the IPv6 Challenge.  The main speaker at LACNIC 29 will be Lee Howard, author of a document on global IPv4 sunset. In his presentation, Howard ill address how to deal with the immediate future after IPv4 exhaustion.

A panel on successful IPv6 deployment strategies will bring together Enzo Picero, Alejandro Egidio and Pablo Cuello. The panel will highlight innovative experiences such as the development of IPv6 content for websites, e-mail and DNS servers.

The third edition of the IPv6 challenge is also set to take place during LACNIC 29. This year a record number of participants have registered.

Security Experts. For the first time, LACNIC’s annual event will host a two-day symposium by the Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams (FIRST), a leading global incident response organization. The activity will provide a unique opportunity to hear top-level computer security experts. The full agenda of the symposium is available here.

LACNIC 29 will be hosted by the Panamanian National Agency for Government Innovation (AIG), an active partner of LACNIC for Internet development in Central America.

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