Closer to our Clients


Closer to our Clients

LACNIC’s Services Department has already begun its annual visits to members and Internet organizations throughout the region, seeking to increase member participation and involvement in community issues and the regular activities of the Regional Internet Registry for Latin America and the Caribbean.

The first part of the 2016 tour included meetings with 14 clients in Panama and Costa Rica. Additional visits have already been scheduled to meet with organizations in Guatemala, Dominican Republic, Ecuador and Bolivia.

Alfredo Verderosa, LACNIC’s Chief Services Officer, highlighted the fact that the idea behind these face-to-face meetings is to hear the voices of members who usually do not participate in the organization’s events and share with them the current status and future plans for the Internet in the LACNIC service region.

“These meetings have an open agenda, through which we seek to encourage these members to participate within the community and in LACNIC events and activities,” noted Verderosa.

In addition to providing an update on the status of the IPv4 resources, they have been assigned and their IPv6 deployment projects, the aim is to share information related to their rights as LACNIC members and the possibility of influencing regional Internet policies.

Paula Manci, Head of LACNIC’s Membership Services, highlighted how well customers have responded. Based on the experience gained during last year’s tour, she added that she is expecting the positive involvement of the customers which LACNIC visited in Panama and Costa Rica.

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