Call for the Nomination of Candidates to Serve as Co-Chair of the Policy Development Process

Candidate nominations are being accepted for the position of co-chair of LACNIC’s Policy Development Process (PDP), a crucial role for the promotion of Internet policy discussions and proposals for the Latin American and Caribbean region.
The co-chair’s role is to encourage and moderate discussions both on the Public Policy List and during the Public Policy Forum.
Because of their role, the PDP chair quickly becomes a prestigious point of reference for the entire Latin American and Caribbean Internet community.
Candidates to the position of PDP co-chair must be LACNIC members or nominated by a LACNIC member.
Nominations and expressions of support will be accepted until 22 February, and the voters’ registry will also close that day.
As applications are received, candidate names and biographies will be published on LACNIC’s website.
Questions and expressions of support for the candidates may be submitted from 2 to 8 March.
Voting to elect the co-chair of the PDP will be held electronically from 9 to 16 March. In case of a tie between two or more candidates, runoff voting will be conducted between 25 and 30 March.
Anyone who subscribes to the Policy List before 22 February will be included in the voters’ registry and authorized to vote. The winning candidate will serve a two-year term, filling the position that will become vacant once Tomas Lynch concludes his term after the Policy Forum scheduled to take place during the LACNIC 35 event, which will be held online in the month of May.
Those interested in nominating their candidates should email including detailed information about the person being nominated, as well as the reasons why they believe this person would be a suitable candidate for the position of PDP chair.
Additional information on this call for nominations is available here.