Call for Presentations for the LACNIC Technical Forum

The call for presentations is now open for the LACNIC 33 event to be held from May 4 to 8 in Cali, Colombia.
The LACNIC Technical Forum Program Committee established that March 1st will be the deadline for receiving proposals.
The Forum is the space created for the regional and international community to present and share their experiences, work and initiatives related to Internet development in the region of Latin America and the Caribbean at LACNIC’s annual events. It is also an excellent opportunity to network with other technicians.
Topics of interest for the technical forum agenda include IP network operation, Internet protocol projects, DNS, autonomous system interconnection, IPv6 deployment, security and attack mitigation, IoT, among others. In general, real implementations or deployments will be preferred over theoretical presentations, although this will not be a requirement and presentations describing the state of technology or recent advances in the various topics may be accepted.
Anyone interested in presenting their proposals- which may be in English, Portuguese or Spanish – will be asked to complete an electronic form.
The FTL Program Committee will assess and rate the proposals it receives, according to their technical quality, originality and merit for being shared.
Projects may be submitted here.