Call for Candidates to Co-Chair the Policy Forum


Call for Candidates to Co-Chair the Policy Forum

LACNIC is promoting an open call for candidates to elect a new co-chair for the Latin American and Caribbean Policy Development Process, which will allow a member of the community to provide leadership to their peers throughout the region.
This 21 February at 12:00 pm Uruguay time (GMT-3), Gianina Pensky, Policy Officer at LACNIC, and the Policy Forum’s current co-chairs, Juan Peirano and Alex Ojeda, will participate in a webinar for the entire region during which they will present the terms and conditions to be elected co-chair of the 2017 Policy Forum.
First, Pensky will describe what being a co-chair involves, their role, what they do for the community and the opportunities that open up to a person who performs this duty. She will also present a video on the call for candidates. Peirano and Ojeda will then share their experiences as Forum chairs and will also answer questions. Co-chairs are seen as activists in touch with the discussions taking place among the LACNIC community as well as in other regions. Their role means they quickly become prestigious leaders for the entire Latin American and Caribbean Internet community.
The position involves great visibility because of its role in encouraging and moderating discussions both on the Public Policy List and during the Public Policy Forum held within the framework of the annual LACNIC event and aimed at optimizing the policies based on which number resources are managed in the LAC region.
Co-chairing the Forum provides multiple possibilities for growth in the field of Internet development.
The webinar will also provide details on the candidate nomination process and the requirements to be nominated.


“The Policy Forum is a great responsibility but also a unique opportunity to get to know the needs and most influential actors of each country.”
Christian O’Flaherty (Former Chair 2004-2008)

“The balance is very positive. You are left with knowledge and experience in the collective development of proposals and policies ”
Nicolás Antoniello (Former Chair 2009-2015)


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