Awards and Recognitions that Create New Challenges


Awards and Recognitions that Create New Challenges

Excellent Results. This year, LACNIC was able to maintain high levels of satisfaction among its customers with regards to its services, as evidenced in the survey conducted by international consultants MERCOPLUS. According to the 2018 survey, more than nine out of ten LACNIC clients are satisfied or very satisfied with how the Internet Addresses Registry for Latin America and the Caribbean is managed. The latest report highlights that 70% of those surveyed are very satisfied with LACNIC. The organization currently has more than 8,000 members, having incorporated nearly 3,000 new member companies and organizations over the past two years.

Seven Major Prizes. In 2018, the Regional Fund for Digital Innovation in Latin America and the Caribbean recognized seven projects that seek to reduce the digital divide and gender gap in technology in the region. The winning initiatives received financial support for a total of USD 95,000 in the Awards, Grants and Scale-Ups categories. The winning initiatives addressed community networks and gender equity in technology and the Internet industry.

Seven Years in a Row. LACNIC achieved its highest ranking on the list of top ten places to work in Uruguay prepared by international consultants Great Place to Work and was named the second best place to work in the category of under 150 employees. A contributing factor to this improvement was the work carried out by LACNIC’s Organizational Climate Committee, made up by members each of the organization’s departments.

2018 Lifetime Achievement Award. Researcher and scientist Michael Anthony Stanton received the 2018 Lifetime Achievement Award for his contribution to Internet development in Latin America and the Caribbean. This award is presented by the Latin American and Caribbean Internet Addresses Registry (LACNIC) to personalities who have contributed to the growth of an open, stable and secure Internet for the development of the region.

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