Improved and Simplified Resource Management


Regularly updating contact information, assignments, and reverse DNS information of the resources managed by LACNIC’s customers is essential for requesting additional resources and one of the key mechanisms for the proper operation of the Internet.

This information must be maintained in LACNIC’s Registration System, using the interface provided to that end. However, large ISPs and end users who usually handle large volumes of information and must also maintain their own internal records may find this task extremely complex and time-consuming without the use of automated mechanisms.

With the aim of offering a solution to this problem, a few months ago LACNIC made the Automated Resource Administration System (SARA) available to its members.

The SARA system provides an interface for automatically maintaining assigned resources using XML and EPP (Extensible Provisioning Protocol).

SARA makes it possible to integrate LACNIC’s registration system with:

  • ISP proprietary resource administration and billing systems
  • IPAM systems (IP Address Management, i.e. Nixus, IPam)
  • Ad-hoc address administration systems developed in-house

For more information about SARA and how to take advantage of the benefits that the system can offer, please contact:

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