LACNIC Presents Inforedes: the Single Window for Open Data from Internet Resources


LACNIC Presents Inforedes: the Single Window for Open Data from Internet Resources

LACNIC, in cooperation with RIPE NCC, has developed Inforedes (, a platform to search for data and information on Internet resources throughout the world.

The platform was presented during LACNIC 32 in Panama and will be available to the entire Internet community of Latin America and the Caribbean.

Inforedes is the result of the collaboration and joint work of LACNIC Technology Area and RIPE NCC technical team, made up of Christian Teuschel and Agustín Formoso.

LACNIC’s new web tool will provide, through a single interface, data on IP address space, autonomous system (ASN) numbers, and information related to host names, whois, routing status, and history of organizations in the region and the world.

Taking advantage of the infrastructure and experience of RIPEstat (the RIPE NCC open data portal), this service will have a variety of information sources (about 25), such as registration databases of other RIRs, Internet performance measurements and the RIPE NCC and RIPE Atlas Routing Information Service.

“It will contain both fast and visual information about network behavior,” announced Christian Teuschel, one of the initiative’s developers.

The close collaboration between the teams of LACNIC and RIPE NCC has facilitated the working process and development of this platform, which is hosted in the region (São Paulo) for faster access and smoother navigation.

The protagonist of Inforedes will be the search bar. It allows to type an autonomous system and prefix to obtain the information that is needed”, commented Agustín Formoso, Software Engineer at RIPE’s NCC R&D team.

This web interface will present information grouped by sections, through interactive visualizations called widgets, which can also be inserted in any other website. “The objective is to provide useful information to the LACNIC community with a window to multiple data sets,” said Carlos Martínez, Chief Technology Officer at LACNIC.

Any LACNIC user will be able to access all data available in Inforedes, benefiting the regional technical community in the optimization of decision-making processes based on reliable information.

The platform will soon be available in LACNIC’s three official languages (English, Portuguese and Spanish).


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