72% of those who have not yet done so are planning to request IPv6 resources

According to a study conducted by Merco Plus Latin America, seven out of ten LACNIC members expressed their satisfaction with the IPv4 exhaustion plan prepared by the Internet Address Registry for Latin American and Caribbean.
The region is currently in the exhaustion phase and has implemented policies that limit the assignment of IPv4 resources once the 4,194,302 Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) threshold has been reached.
Since its creation, LACNIC has assigned more than 182 million IPv4 addresses throughout the region.
Deploying Internet Protocol version 6 is now more important than ever. However, according the the Merco Plus study, seven out of 10 organizations have not yet deployed IPv6. “Nearly three-quarters of member companies, particularly those that are small or medium-sized, have not yet developed any strategies in relation to this process,” the study noted.
According to the survey, however, there are reasons to believe that the region will soon implement this technology, as 72% of the organizations that have not yet been assigned IPV6 resources are planning to deploy the new protocol.
Of the companies that have not yet requested IPv6 addresses, 21% are planning to do so within the next six months, 31% within the next 12 months, 17% within the next 18 months, and 32% within the next 24 months.
The vast majority of these companies are planning to take some action, mainly deploying IPv6. Half of them are planning to implement this technology within a 12-month period.