6 QUESTIONS IN 140 CHARACTERS: Get to know Göran Marby, ICANN’s CEO.


6 QUESTIONS IN 140 CHARACTERS: Get to know Göran Marby, ICANN’s CEO.

We contacted Göran Marby, ICANN’s new CEO, with the following questions and asked him to answer them in 140 characters! Take a look:


What do you know about the RIR community?


I know how incredibly dedicated they are! The RIR community has been instrumental in developing the transition proposal. It was a pleasure meeting them at my first meeting RIPE72.

LN: What do you know about the LAC community’s global strategy?

GM: The LAC community has been very active in the region, and we are delighted to see their global engagement increase through ICANN’s SO/AC and WG.

LN: What is your assessment of the community’s discussions regarding the IANA Stewardship Transition?

GM: The transition process has demonstrated the effectiveness of the multistakeholder model. We know that working together is the right way forward.

LN: What’s the most difficult part about the ICANN ecosystem?

GM: The acronyms!

LN: What do you hope to achieve during your time as ICANN CEO?

GM: I want to work with the community to show the rest of the world the strength of the ICANN multistakeholder model, and to highlight the importance of one, global Internet.

LN: When are you coming to Latin America and the Caribbean?

GM: I’m currently in Mexico, for the OECD Ministerial meeting, and I hope to have many more opportunities to visit LAC during my tenure!

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