Updates to the Advanced IPv6 Course on the LACNIC Campus


Updates to the Advanced IPv6 Course on the LACNIC Campus

LACNIC’s Training Center has updated the content and materials of the course on Advanced IPv6 it offers through its online Campus.

Registration for this first edition of the updated course will open on 7 July and will continue until 7 August. The first of the three editions of this e-learning initiative scheduled for 2019 will begin on 12 August.

Mariela Rocha, training specialist at LACNIC, noted that the new content of the course is the result of the joint work of LACNIC’s training and engineering departments and is based on the needs of the community and the updates to IPv6 technology.

“The course has been modernized” with new content considered essential to complete IPv6 deployment in the networks and devices of the countries of the region, said Rocha.

The updated content includes sections for a better understanding of the IPv6 header, IPv6 addressing, addressing labs, IPv6 autoconfiguration theory and practice, as well as DNS configuration and practical exercises.

It should be noted that participants complete the labs and exercises in a virtual environment which they download and install on their own devices and that, once they complete the tasks, students have the chance to discuss them with their classmates, therefore generating a positive synergy to find solutions when they encounter difficulties.

The course includes six weeks of theory, self-evaluations and practical activities, and concludes with a mandatory final exam. The course’s existing methodology was maintained, as the results of the satisfaction survey conducted among participants of the previous editions showed that it was considered very adequate.

The new content of the course has been designed for both people who have already participated in prior editions of the course as well as for new participants. It is also worth noting that having completed the “Basic IPv6” course offered by the Campus is not mandatory, although it is recommended that applicants are familiar with IPv6, its format and the key aspects of the protocol.

Another added value is that participants can follow their classes from any device by downloading the Moodle app.

The LACNIC Campus first offered this Advanced IPv6 course in 2016. In these past three years, 10 editions have been offered and 736 professionals throughout the region have passed their final exam and received their certification from LACNIC.


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