LACIGF 14 and New Bylaws


LACIGF 14 and New Bylaws

The Latin America and Caribbean Internet Governance Forum (LACIGF) presented its new bylaws to the community during its latest meeting held on 23-24 November.

After a lengthy debate and analysis process in which approximately 160 people from 22 different countries participated, the final document was agreed based on inputs from the entire community. 

According to their contributions, the community perceives the regional Forum as an extremely valuable mechanism, which, after a successful and innovative process, had been losing its relevance in recent years. 

Based on this diagnosis, a process was initiated, and the Program Committee drafted a new bylaws document that defines LACIGF’s scope, participation, processes, and structures.

One of the new elements introduced by the document is a clear definition of the roles of the different LACIGF bodies, including the Secretariat, a role for which LACNIC has been responsible since the inception of the Forum in 2008. These new Bylaws also define new operating mechanisms to reinforce representation and participation levels. Thus, a transition process will now begin towards the full implementation of the new structures and roles. The first step of this process will be to call for organizations interested in serving as the Secretariat. The implementation is expected to extend over the next year and become effective as of the 15th edition of LACIGF in 2022.

During LACIGF14, the regional preparatory meeting for the global IGF, LACNIC participated in putting together the agenda and was part of two panels. 

LACNIC CEO Oscar Robles was a speaker on the panel titled “The Role of Technology in Situations of Tension in Democratic Regimes: How Can Internet Governance Contribute to the Deployment of Technology with a Fundamental Rights Approach?”

In addition, LACNIC CTO Carlos Martínez participated in the panel on Universal Access and Inclusion at a Social, Economic, and Human Rights Level.

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