LACNIC Technical Forum: Call for Presentations on Topics Related to Regional Internet Development


LACNIC Technical Forum: Call for Presentations on Topics Related to Regional Internet Development

By Carolina Badano, Communications Coordinator at LACNIC

After six editions and more than 80 presentations by experts from across the region and worldwide, the LACNIC Technical Forum has positioned itself as one of the most important spaces for the community to share and discuss Internet development in the region. This is why the opportunity to participate in the Forum serves as a point of entry to discover new professional and collaboration opportunities for expanding knowledge.

Presenting at the LACNIC Technical Forum provides visibility before an audience of over 500 professionals engaged in Internet development who attend LACNIC events in person, as well as to those joining the live broadcast. Additionally, recordings can later be accessed on the event website with simultaneous translations into English, Spanish, and Portuguese.

The seventh edition of the Forum will take place in the city of Panama from 6 to 10 May within the framework of LACNIC 41, and the call for presentations is now open.

Topics of interest for the LACNIC Technical Forum which you can address in your proposal include:

  • Operación de redes IP
  • Protocolos de Internet
  • DNS
  • Interconexión de sistemas autónomos
  • IPv6: transición, despliegue, avances
  • Mediciones, herramientas y análisis sobre protocolos e Internet en general
  • Ciberseguridad, entre otros.

Presentations may have a duration of 20 minutes (full-length presentations) or 10 minutes (short presentations). Proposals will be evaluated by a program committee, which will be responsible for selecting the presentations for the forum based on their technical quality, originality, and relevance.

If you would like to present at the next edition of the LACNIC Technical Forum, click here to apply. The call for presentations will remain open until 8 February.

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