LACNIC 37: The Return to Face-to-Face Events


LACNIC 37: The Return to Face-to-Face Events

By Oscar Robles – CEO / Executive Director

LACNIC returns to face-to-face events and continues to work on building a regional community for a better Internet! Last week, we held our first event of the year in Cali, Colombia, LACNIC37, and also, for the first time in a long time, we were able to meet in person.

We had more than 500 participants from around 40 countries and about 30% of them were local, which fulfilled one of the objectives of holding our events on an itinerant basis.

One of the reasons for organizing our events is to discuss and comment on the rules or policies (Public Policy Forum) under which we manage the Internet number resources for the region. There were four interesting proposals to discuss in the session.  

Likewise, during the first event of the year, we had the opportunity to hold our Annual Member Assembly, and to present the summary of activities and financial reports, as well as our oversight mechanisms (external accounting audit and visit by the Fiscal Commission).

In one of our four face-to-face meetings of the year, LACNIC’s Board of Directors also took the opportunity to talk to the Electoral Commission, Fiscal Commission, Co-Moderators and ASO-AC members, to thank them for their voluntary work.  

We do these events collaboratively with other organizations in the region, such as the LACPeering Forum which is led by  LAC-IX and seeks to promote local peer-to-peer traffic exchange efforts. This session had a record number of participants.  

Likewise, for the first time we held a joint session with LACISP, focused on regional ISPs in expansion with the purpose of providing them with relevant information regarding their development and LACNIC. In this first effort, we had almost 150 participants.  

As usual, in collaboration with FIRST,  we facilitated the meeting between the various Security Incident Response Coordination Center initiatives in the region, which also had extraordinary attendance. There were four tutorials conducted: Interconnection, IPv6 in data centers, resource management, policy development and, of course, the LACNIC Technical Forum, with various presentations on topics such as DNS, RPKI, IPv6, IoT, among others.  

Last but not least, it was an opportunity to reconnect and reestablish professional and effective ties with space for conversation, business and, of course, recreation in a fantastic social event where salsa professionals made all attendees dance.  

See you at LACNIC 38 in Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia!

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